Monday, February 15, 2016

Mixed Media Camo Portrait Painting

For Christmas in 2014, I decided to do something special for my best friend Heather. She is really into guns and shooting and there was one picture of her aiming that I thought looked really cool. I just had to turn it into art for her.
First, I distressed an 8x10 Canvas to make it look like camo. 
Next, I printed the photo on regular printer paper and tore the edges to make it look rugged. This also ensured the green background would be somewhat visible.  I glued the photo onto the canvas using Mod Podge. This caused the distress inks on the canvas to smear a bit, which actually made it look more natural and less distracting, in my opinion. 
Finally, the tedious and time consuming work began... Painting over every detail of the printed page with paint, pastels, gel pens, paint pens, anything I had handy that could give me the effect I was going for. Plenty of trial and error happened with this project because I'd never done a realistic portrait before. I think I completely covered her face with paint and started with a blank canvas (so to speak) at least 10 times before I was satisfied. After hours upon hours of meticulous work and a lot of hair pulling, the original printed image was no longer visible- just the torn edges of the paper. It was 100% covered in paints and other mediums.
To this day, I consider this one of the coolest pieces I've ever done and I learned so much from it. Heather love love loved it!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

If Today Was My Last Day I Would Spend It This Way Anyway (Painting)

This is a stART to finish of a very personal painting featuring things I really love....
 Watercolor and splatter rainbow background...
lyrics measured out and placed....
things I adore represented and doodles added...
 Complete <3

3 Generations Family Handprints (Painting by Nana-Bug, JoAnn, Stephanie)

When I discovered that you could water down acrylics and make them look like watercolors, I was hooked. I thought it was a perfect base for anything... This is my personal favorite wash-splatter-painting ever:
Step 1: a smooth watercolor wash of multiple colors
 Step 2: some splatter of the corresponding colors as the next layer
 Step 3: get 3 generations of pretty colored handprints and add some mixed media decoration.
This canvas went from a beautiful abstract painting to a priceless family heirloom!

Watercolor/Acrylic Tree (Painting)

My first attempt at using watercolors in 2012. I was disappointed at the lack of color after a few layers....
 As an acrylic junkie, I couldn't help myself... I added some acrylic for extra color!
 Sometimes you just gotta trust your gut and stick with what you know :)

Just a little bling to spice up charms... (Jewelry: Owl charm & Woman pin)

All it takes is a little super glue and some tiny crystals to really spice up jewelry charms! 

The first is a plain owl charm I wanted to personalize...
...and this was an old pin of my moms I thought could use some updating ;)

Wooden Endeavors (Rocking horse toy & Photo transfer painting)

 Just a plain wooden toy rocking horse I found at a thrift shop... made brand new and fun!

 A friend tried to transfer a photo I had taken of train tracks onto a piece of wood but it didn't transfer properly... so this was my attempt to save the day with paint!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

You Are My Sunshine (Painting)

12x12 Canvas
2014 by Stephanie Hand

I started off with a stencil and spray paint in January... It didn't feel "done" and I couldn't think of what it needed... I came back to it month after month and pondered it... always feeling stumped and moving on...
 Then finally one day in the late summer/early fall after taking interest in drawing cute birds, it dawned on me.... This painting needs some birdies!! Some word stickers saying "YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE" and boom! The painting felt "done" in the best way possible.
 Never give up on a painting that seems like a lost cause... I used to dread seeing that sunbeam of failure and now its one of my all time favorite pieces I've painted. <3